Overcoming Sales Objections

Salespeople are usually challenged by objections when it comes to closing deals, and overcoming them is challenging.
Being able to handle a response effectively is the key to closing a deal.
Field sales people can overcome objections and close deals by following a series of strategies. For instance, sales people must not confront the objection directly. Instead of doing that, the salesperson should listen and restate what the prospect is saying in their own words. In that way, they can make sure that they understand what the customer is expressing. Doing this helps build trust between the customer and the salesperson, leading to a successful negotiation and deal closing.

Another strategy is to never take an objection personally. Remaining professional and composed during a discussion is necessary even if the prospect turns out to be frustrating. Field salespeople can open lines of communication by building up rapport between them and the customers, which can result in both sides reaching an agreement.
It is important to remember that overcoming objections is a process. Objections are always there, but every customer is different and has different needs, and the salesperson should be aware of that. Understanding these needs and knowing how to address them can contribute to close deals fortuitously. Once field salespeople have knowledge and experience, they have mastered the art of overcoming objections, making it now an easy task.
These are some recommendations to master the art of overcoming objections:


1. Confront an objection directly; listen first.
2. Take any objection personally
3. Be unprepared for the objections.


1. Practice overcoming objections through role practice before your interaction with your prospect.
2. Understand sometimes their objection isn’t real; they might not trust you. Building better rapport can prevent such a thing.
3. Keep a record of the top eight objections.
4. Talk to someone and document what happened when you do not overcome an objection and lose the deal.

How to carry out a role practice?

Take into account each role for a role practice exercise:
1. The Salesperson
2. The Customer
3. The witness

Why is role practice important?

You can prepare your mind for what you are to experience if you practice at least 30 minutes a week with your colleagues. In addition to that, it will also increase your close rates as your skills develop. Practicing will give you a better understanding and growth mindset of how you approach your presentation.

Common Objections You Might Encounter

“Your product is too expensive.”
“I’ve never heard of your company before.”
“This isn’t important to me right now.”
“Call me back next month.”
“Your product doesn’t do X or Y.”
“Someone I know used your product before and didn’t like it.”
“I’m not responsible for making these decisions.”
“Your service isn’t built for my company.”
If you have been there before, what are you waiting for? Start developing your sales skills by practicing and see how your sales rates start to skyrocket!