Asking for a promotion can be daunting. Any good salesperson knows that good salespeople are tough to come by, so if you’ve been smashing all kinds of records without fail every month, a promotion is probably inevitable. But what about if you’re doing very well, but maybe falling just a little short of target occasionally? What if you’re the best in the team and feel like you could get so much more from the guys if you were in the management seat? Let’s see how things should be done properly to make sure you land that important promotion.
Timing is Everything
Needless to say, if you’ve just had the worst month of your career, it’s probably not a great time to have a sit down with the boss and ask about a raise. Timing is everything when it comes to this request, and opportune moments for a salesperson include:
Recently winning an epic battle, maybe landing a massive new account
Exceeded target and beating a company record
Hitting your 7th or more consecutive monthly target in a row