3 Common Sales Objections and How To Overcome Them

If you’re a salesperson, you’ve been there before. You deliver a fantastic sales pitch, but then get countered with an objection you can’t come back from. Often it’s the deciding factor or whether or not you’ll win the sale and no matter how good your pitch is, if you can’t handle any objection that comes your way, you won’t be successful. Here’s three of the most common objections and how to handle each one.

I can get the same product somewhere else for less

This objection is a classic. And with the rapid growth of e-commerce it’s more important than ever to know exactly how you’ll counter it. So how do get out of the price war game?
Sell yourself. Sell the benefit of buying the product from you personally. Nobody can resist consistent customer support. Use that to your commitment and say something like this: “I’ve heard of others say that in the past, but typically most of our customers like to do business with us because they know we are going to take real good care of them. And that’s really what I specialize with here at XYZ Co, I really specialize on making all of our customers happy. In fact, that’s the whole company’s focus”.
You could even go as far as introducing one of your long-time customers and if they’re willing, they could vouch for the excellent customer service you’ve been constantly delivering to them. It takes away the doubt by offering an insight through another customer who already enjoys your services and undoubtedly will come back to you every time they need your services.
More than ever, consumers have been more aggressive in negotiating. Sometimes when you agree with them and then provide proof why it’s more valuable to do business with you, they will choose you because you offer more than their money’s worth in customer satisfaction.

I’m not ready to buy right now

Another typical objection is that potential customers think that it’s not a good time to buy. But in reality, its a great opportunity for them. It’s difficult to rationalize this since it does appear like you’re pressuring customers to buy from you. Although if you really analyze their situation, they really just have doubt or uncertainty about your product. Help them make an informed decision.
One of the best ways to help them is by being proactive and telling them you can answer their questions on the spot. If they need to talk to their spouse (or any other person they need to consult first), do just that and get them to decide ASAP. The faster they come to a decision, the faster that you resolve a pain point for them.

We’re satisfied with who/what we have

A lot of times, as you throw your sales pitch to the customer, you get this sinking feeling that you’re trying to sell them something that they have no use for. This situation isn’t completely alien to most salespeople and they find that waving the white flag is the best thing to do. However, you don’t completely close the door in these instances. Get their contact information and ask them when their contract runs out and be there when they will need your services.
With these tips, you should be able to handle more common objections. However they’re designed to help you with these objections, but not a foolproof way of securing a sale. Remember, salespeople with strategy will always have the upper hand in tight situations like these and you want to be as prepared as you can be.