Looking For A Sales Lead Tracking App? Use This Checklist

sales lead tracking app checklist

A sales lead is like a banana: Once it’s peeled, it goes bad quickly.

Unlike the banana, leads can be costly and you don’t want to let any of them slip through the cracks. That’s what lead tracking apps are for. A lead tracking app gives you the ability to see each lead and who’s called them.

When you’re considering which lead-tracking app to download, you want to be sure your selection offers several essential features. After all, new leads are vital to the growth of your organization. Different than a CRM app, a good sales lead tracking app takes customer relations a step further. It identifies and showcases unprocessed leads so no lead goes unfollowed.

Choosing the Right Sales Lead Tracking App

As you scroll through your choices, make sure your future app works for you. These 5 automatic features make all the difference in the dependability and value of the tool.

1. Mobile App and Web Portal Options

You’re in sales, so of course the app needs to work well when you’re on the road. But make sure your app isn’t just mobile. You need the option to access it from a computer as well to expand your options. An app that transfers from one platform to another is essential.

2. Automatically Record Website Leads

Let’s say you have a contact form on your website. A good lead-tracker automatically downloads that information into the app so you have an instant record. It then generates a pool of unassigned leads.

When a salesperson uses that list to make a prospecting call, they now own that client. As soon as that salesperson makes the call, the app removes the client from the lead list. Having an app regroup clients automatically saves you from the possibility of human oversight in moving clients from one list to another.

3. Log Calls Automatically

You also want an app that logs calls as soon as your salesperson makes contact. You shouldn’t have to wait until someone logs the call manually. Why? Because you have a team of salespeople accessing that list. If there is any delay in call logs, a lead could be contacted twice making your organization look disjointed. Automatic call log updates keep everyone on the same page.

4. Record Every Call

Your app should have the ability to record each call. If a call comes in, you need a recording of the sales person talking to the lead. Someone else, ideally the sales manager, should then listen to every call. Depending on the skill level of the sales rep on the call, a sales manager is going to hear different nuances in the conversation. In doing so, they’ll catch the missed opportunities.

Maybe the thought of listening to each call sounds cumbersome, but think of the investment. Let’s say you spend $5000 on a direct mailing campaign. If this mailing generates 100 calls, you’ve spent $50 per call. Your entry level sales rep may handle some of those calls, but at $50/call it’s worth listening to them!

Maybe the lead asks for a particular product or feature that the sales rep doesn’t know you have. You could call back that customer and say, “Hey, I know ___ talked to you the other day about XYZ. What he didn’t know is that we now offer XYZ.” Afterwards, address the miscommunication with the sales rep and use the conversation as a teaching tool for growing his or her knowledge base.

When you record calls and use them to your advantage, you simultaneously save deals and invest in your sales team.

5. Sync Emails

Email sync is crucial, especially if your organization is large. A good lead-tracking app allows you to see the emails between clients/prospects and anyone in your company. Much like the automatic call logs, this prevents you from contacting prospects without knowing they’re already customers.

Seeing their correspondence also grants you insight into their customer history. You learn what questions they’ve had and give the overall impression that your organization knows them when you contact them again. An app with this feature allows you to quickly see what’s transpired before you make contact.

When you’re making sales, you’re constantly on the go. Get an app that makes the job more convenient with tools like these right in your pocket. Leads may be slippery, but with an app that does the hard work for you, you can secure even more clients.