To Answer or to Ignore?

We’ve all been there.  You’re eating dinner.  It is 7:30pm. and your phone rings displaying a phone number that is not in your contacts.  What do you do?  Most people ignore it without the slightest second thought.  But what if you’re in sales?  What if that call is a prospect you gave up on months ago that remembered your enthusiasm and wanted to give you another chance at their business?  What if they’ve already called two people ahead of you, haven’t gotten and answer, and are already stuck on giving you one chance to pick up their call or they’re moving on to the next number on their list of providers?
The answer to all of these questions is so simple.  Answer the phone!  Answer the DAMN PHONE!
This is a small example of a very large character flaw that exists in the minds of many salespeople today.  They’re on salary, they make great commission, they typically work Monday-Friday 9-5 and that is all they are willing to sacrifice.  They all look at the older guy in the office with disdain because he always seems to be working, but never seems to be tired, frustrated, or negative.  They know there is a reason for his constant optimism but they are too busy trying to cram everything into an 8-hour day to actually ponder what it is that puts him at a level above them.
The most important thing separating this man from his coworkers can be drilled down to one simple piece of thought:  When the customer is ready to buy, he is ready to sell.
I can hear the objections already.  “I need my personal time!”  “I have a family.”  “I work too much.”
If you are in sales and you catch yourself saying any of the above statements it may be time to look for another way to make a living.  Great sales people never work hard.  Great sales people have more personal time than they could ever want and they spend that time with the family that they provide for in abundance.  It doesn’t happen right away for them, but it happens and it sticks.
The reason they have it so easy is because they answer the phone.  They always answer the phone.  They give their prospects a reason to call them.  They carry themselves with a level of confidence that cannot be faked.  And when the time is right to sign on the line that is dotted, they answer the DAMN PHONE!
In conclusion, answering the phone when it rings could make all the difference in the success of a salesperson. While it may seem like a small action, it can lead to big opportunities. Salespeople who are constantly looking for ways to improve and provide the best service to their customers are the ones who succeed. It’s not about working harder, it’s about being prepared and confident in their abilities. The key is to always answer the phone and be ready to sell when the customer is ready to buy. With dedication, persistence, and a positive attitude, great salespeople can have both personal time and professional success.